Mon Chef, ресторан
Раздел: ресторанВремя работы: вс-чт 12:00-1:00, пт-сб 12:00-2:00
Адрес: Екатерининская, 120
Телефон: +7 342 240-37-17
Сайт: monchef.ru
Люди говорят: Mon Chef, MonChef, Mon Shef, Мон Шеф, Моншеф, Монше, Мой шеф
Отзывы посетителей
Kameryn 23.05.2017 01:34
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Alla 22.05.2017 18:39
What a pluaesre to find someone who thinks through the issuesTuesday 20.05.2017 19:07
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Lark 19.05.2017 06:29
The exriptese shines through. Thanks for taking the time to answer.Lark 19.05.2017 06:29
The exriptese shines through. Thanks for taking the time to answer.Vina 18.05.2017 08:31
Great post! Now that the Olympics are here, I hope people can all just getalong and re02#&x8a3l; Though, I guess people will just choose something else
to be uptight about.