L'amour, эротик-клуб
Раздел: стриптизКухня: восточная, европейская
Специальное меню: бизнес-ланч
Время работы: круглосуточно
Адрес: Орджоникидзе, 2
Телефон: (342) 243-39-90
Сайт: lamourclub.ru
Люди говорят: L'amour, Lamour, Лямур, L'amur, Lamur
Отзывы посетителей
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Janae 19.05.2017 06:28
If inimfoatron were soccer, this would be a goooooal!Gabrielle 18.05.2017 08:31
Thanks Janine. I have tons of stories and I plan on inontducirg Zoe the black& tan who lived with us for 10 years until she died last June. I hope to
share my stores and maybe some tips from someone who probably learned them the
hard way.