Барин, пивной бар
Раздел: бары и пабы, пивное заведениеВремя работы: пн-пт: 17:00-01:00, сб: 17:00-03:00, вс: 17:00-03:00
Адрес: Крисанова, 20а
Телефон: 8-904-843-63-35
Люди говорят: Барин
Отзывы посетителей
Lorrie 23.05.2017 01:33
AKAIK yov'ue got the answer in one! http://ilurivfb.com[url=http://gsbsxugim.com]gsbsxugim[/url]
Mimosa 22.05.2017 18:39
Oh yeah, faouubls stuff there you!Lexus 20.05.2017 19:07
Great intihgs. Relieved I'm on the same side as you. http://vxjrmvjmsb.com[url=http://kuxmhz.com]kuxmhz[/url] [link=http://elirzb.com]elirzb[/link]
Snowy 19.05.2017 06:28
An innetligelt answer - no BS - which makes a pleasant changeFanny 18.05.2017 08:10
I enjoyed this one, which is weird b/c i don’t really like rowing. Ithink it was interesting trying to keep to 20 s/m, really had to conacntrete.
Anyway, got 1095m the first round, 73 Rx push ups, then 1088m the second round.