Пельменная, закусочная
Раздел: закусочныеКухня: украинская, русская
Время работы: пн-пт: 09:00-22:00, сб: 09:00-20:00
Адрес: Чкалова, 50
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Люди говорят: Пельменная, Пельменая
Отзывы посетителей
Keydren 23.05.2017 01:34
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Jesslyn 22.05.2017 18:40
Your post has lifetd the level of debateKaley 20.05.2017 19:07
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Raynoch 19.05.2017 06:28
That's a smart answer to a tricky quitoesnAlexandra 18.05.2017 08:54
if you import a bunch of high IQ Indians, you're still importing Indians,and their desnecdents will revert to the Indian mean. Is anyone ever going to
explain the mechanosm by which this regression to the mean works? I've
been asking for years, and I've never gotten an answer.