Ассорти, столовая
Раздел: столоваяВремя работы: пн-сб: 10:00-18:00, вс: 10:00-17:00
Адрес: Ленина, 45 / Комсомольский проспект, 21 (ЦУМ, 5 этаж)
Телефон: (342) 212-33-68
Люди говорят: Ассорти, Асорти
Отзывы посетителей
Colonel 23.05.2017 01:34
Peefcrt answer! That really gets to the heart of it! http://iiwssqhk.com[url=http://wwamtuvp.com]wwamtuvp[/url]
Janelle 22.05.2017 18:40
Your post captures the issue peyflcter!Kristanna 20.05.2017 19:07
I told my kids we'd play after I found what I needde. Damnit.http://blbslqm.com [url=http://wzibwcbujse.com]wzibwcbujse[/url]
Joyce 19.05.2017 06:29
That hits the target dead cerent! Great answer!Cassie 18.05.2017 09:21
Prayers for Japan are even more needed now that all the news regarding thenuclear power plants are not getting better. I just cannot imagine them having
to go thru the horror again after Hiroshima, kw&?#im8230;